MHDC Advice update regarding Coronavirus 27th March 2020
Please Download information on the links directly below.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Coronavirus resources for social prescribing (2)
Affected services
Our waste and recycling collections continue to operate as normal thanks to the dedication of our depot team.
To support this, we have stopped taking bulky waste collections until further notice.
We are offering businesses the opportunity to suspend their commercial and recycling collections to support them.
We are asking people on social media not to carry out house, garage or shed clearances unless they can store the waste for a period of time. The Household Recycling Centres are currently closed as it is classed as non-essential travel and we cannot accept side waste, as it would overwhelm our standard service.
The full list of affected services is available at<
Social distancing rules
Police are now enforcing social distancing rules. In the first instance they will attempt to do this by consent but have the power to fine people if they refuse to comply.
We have already received reports of people gathering in our play areas and have worked with police to disperse them.
To report breaches of social distancing rules the police have asked people to use the online 101 reporting service.
Community Response Update
Many thanks for letting us know all the fantastic things you’ve been doing within your communities.
Changes are being made to the Worcestershire Here 2 Help campaign we mentioned to you in the last update and it will be more widely promoted from next week.
The Here2Help website provides a central location for those members of the community that do not need urgent help and are unable to seek help from family, friends and neighbours.
There are two forms people can fill in on the main website
I need help – this is to support those who have nowhere else to turn for help with things such as collecting shopping or medicines, walking their dog etc. It is not intended as a service for those who already receive Adult Social Care help or who can ask family, friends or neighbours for help or are already linked with a community group in their area.
Tell us how you can help – for those who can offer assistance through volunteering, delivering essentials etc Anyone unable to complete the form online, can phone 01905 768053 where someone will be able to help you fill in the online form. This number can be used Monday to Sunday between 8am and 8pm.
Once people register for help, they will receive an email notification confirming their request has been received.
Requests for help will be responded to within 24 hours and someone will discuss with them in more detail their needs and what support can be offered.
Anyone who offers help may have their details passed on to a local volunteer or community group to help mobilise support needed.
Residents who have received a letter from the NHS asking them to self-isolate for 12 weeks and are deemed extremely vulnerable, can also use this number to request help with care, medicine and support with daily living.
Worcestershire County Council is responding to requests and has received more than 70 appeals for help since it went live on Monday evening, all with varying needs but most centre upon food supplies or medication collections. They will track the type of concerns which are coming through so they can ramp up that response and identify gaps in support.
If you know of any volunteers, groups or organisations who are offering help please ask them to fill in the offer of help form.
NHS Volunteering
The NHS call for a volunteer army has had over 500,000 responses. We are waiting to hear about how this army links with the here2help scheme. The current advice from County Council is to promote and register for both:
Health & Wellbeing / Welfare Checks
Attached is a Mind Wellness checklist and social prescribing coronavirus resources which you may find useful to share with relevant people.
In addition to this Malvern Hills District Council is putting on weekly challenges linking to physical activity and wellbeing on our YouTube channel –
These can also be found on our Malvern Hills Facebook page –
As you will appreciate the current situation is moving swiftly.
We will continue to update you as and when we have more information.
Ian Dipple
Joint Marketing and Communications Manager Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore, WR10 1PT