Businesses could win £1,000 by taking part in skills survey

picture wccMHDC LOGO

Businesses could win £1,000 by taking part in skills survey


Businesses are being encouraged to take part in a survey to find out what their skills and training needs are.

The survey is being run by Malvern Hills and Wychavon District Councils with telemarketing agency, Team Telemarketing, and will end on 31 January 2022.

Businesses will be contacted via phone call to take part in the survey but it can also be done online. All entrants will be entered into a prize draw to win a £1,000 cash prize.

The results will help guide the councils in providing targeted support to businesses including future subsidised courses to meet their needs, help with recruitment and to fill the skills gap.

The survey is being run as part of the Malvern Hills and Wychavon Upskilling Project which has received funding of £283,050 from the UK Government Renewal Fund.

The project is being run by Malvern Hills District and Wychavon District Councils, with Worcestershire County Council acting as the lead authority for the programme.

Cllr Daniel Walton, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Tourism on Malvern Hills District Council, said: “This survey is an important part of our continued commitment to addressing the skills gap within the Malvern Hills District and helping businesses to thrive. It is a great opportunity for businesses to tell us what they need in terms of recruitment, providing training for staff and more.”

Cllr Richard Morris, Executive Board Member for Economic Growth and Tourism on Wychavon District Council, said: “We need to support the changing needs of businesses to help people stay and get into work, as well as growing a successful economy. We will be able to use the findings of the survey to provide much-needed, targeted support.”

The survey will take between three to 15 minutes to complete depending on the business.

Visit to take part in the survey if you are a Malvern Hills District based business.

Visit to take part in the survey if you are a Wychavon based business.

The Here2Help Community Services Directory


The Here2Help Community Services Directory

In September 2021, Here2Help launched its Community Services Directory as part of its wider service to help residents search for a range of services and support offered by charities, community groups, businesses, public sector groups and other organisations in their local area and across the whole of Worcestershire.

These services include mental health and wellbeing, financial advice, assistance and supplies, volunteering opportunities, recreation activities and much more.

Since its launch in September, over 275 organisations have signed up to offer support and services to Worcestershire residents.

The Here2Help team have also been out visiting various libraries in the County to talk to residents about the Here2Help Service and the Community Services Directory.

Do you know any local organisations that may be interested in registering their service on the Here2Help Community Services Directory ?

More information can be found by visiting