Worcestershire County Councillor Dr. Ken Pollock update on Coronavirus

Update from Worcestershire County Councillor Cllr. Dr. Ken Pollock

At this time of unprecedented disruption to our daily lives, I am concerned that all representatives of the people of the Tenbury division should be fully aware of all that is being done to assist them in getting through the crisis with the minimum of trouble.

Worcestershire County Council is working with a number of other organisations under the One Worcestershire brand. Details of all the assistance that is being offered to businesses can be found by going to the Worcestershire Business Central website.

For personal help, try the Worcestershire County Council website. On the home page, you will find the Here2Help brand, that should answer most queries.

Some of the other organisations that have been helping put together this advice – and whose own sites offer their distinctive take – are the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership, (the LEP), the Chamber of Commerce for Herefordshire and Worcestershire, the Federation of Small businesses, (the FSB), and National Farmers Union, (the NFU).

Government money is being channelled through the District Councils, so for the Tenbury Division, this is Malvern Hills District Council. They have done a great job with government cash for those affected by flooding, and now they are processing all business claims for assistance due to the virus crisis.

All of this effort is coordinated by a structure under the Local Resilience Forum, (the LRF), set up for any such emergency. This includes all the blue light services as well as the county’s councils.

Should you find that none of these answers your needs, please do get in touch with your local District Councillor, or me, as your County Councillor. We are also well aware of the effort put in by our local MP, Harriett Baldwin, who will always be keen to help if needed.

All of this effort is being complemented by the work of the NHS and the care sector, and I am sure we are all grateful for their selfless efforts. In addition, we must appreciate all the other essential work that goes on, often unrecognised, but nevertheless essential to our wellbeing.

Thank you for your attention and very best wishes for you all, in overcoming the problems we face, so we can enjoy this wonderful county, and country, long into the future.

Cllr Dr Ken Pollock,

Member, Tenbury Division,

Cabinet Member Responsible for Economy and Infrastructure, Worcestershire County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

Worcestershire County Council COVID-19 update for CALC- 3rd April 2020

Worcestershire County Council COVID-19 Update for CALC
3 April 2020

Organisational position
Worcestershire County Council is delivering a One Worcestershire approach. We are working alongside our colleagues in District Councils, the NHS, our MPs and with our other partners including Worcestershire’s voluntary sector organisations.

Key Messages
• Stay at home

• Observe social distancing

• Wash your hands regularly

• If you are vulnerable and have received a letter from the NHS, register for support via:


• Or call 0800 0288327, the Government’s dedicated helpline.

Key operational activities/focus/priorities
• We are working with our district council colleagues and with the voluntary sector to build a picture of community action in order to establish if any of the Shielded Cohort are slipping through the net of the wider Government campaign as well as to support those others who are or who may become vulnerable

• We have managed to block purchase up to 300 hotel rooms to assist with the placing of patients who need additional support after hospital discharge

• We are working with the District Councils to provide accommodation for all those rough sleepers who will accept it
Key operational activities/focus/priorities • Through local sourcing we are providing every care setting in Worcestershire with additional supplies of hand sanitiser

• All adult care services remain covered but Nursing Homes are coming under pressure. Overall, there is still enough capacity in Domiciliary Care and we continue to block purchase domiciliary care from the private sector.

• In a single day this week 150 new enquiries were received through the here2help website with a further 140 calls taken through our Adult Social Care Access Centre.
Key operational activities/focus/priorities

• Schools across Worcestershire are preparing to open during Easter holidays for children of critical workers and for vulnerable children

• Vouchers being issued to pupils entitled to free school meals, with most supermarkets accepting them.

• All major infrastructure projects are now shutting down in a controlled manner.

• All household waste & recycling centres are closed. District Councils are working to continue to provide refuse collections. Support is being provided when it is required.

Where can I get further information, help and advice?


There will be many vulnerable people in our community who will have to self-isolate. This site will provide a central location for the vulnerable that are unable to seek help from family, friends and neighbours. You can request help, volunteer to help and find useful resources.
Want to help/volunteer or need assistance http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/here2help

Where can I get further information, help and advice?

County Council website for Coronavirus information http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/coronavirus

NHS Website for information on Coronavirus https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/