Malvern Hills District Council COVID Update Sept 2020

Are you ready for the new NHS Covid-19 app?

From Thursday (24 September 2020) the NHS Covid-19 contract tracing app will be launched. This is part of the test and trace service and will be important in helping control the spread of coronavirus and protecting each other.

All businesses in the following sectors must by law display a QR code poster from 24 September:

  • Hospitality
  • Leisure and tourism
  • Close contact services
  • Places of worship
  • Local authority venues

Community centres, youth and community centres and village halls are all covered by this change to the law.

Getting a QR code for your venue is quick and easy from the Government’s website.

Get a QR code for your business or venue

Further information

Guidance on maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace

A guide to creating a QR code for your venue

Tips for displaying your QR poster

An overview of how the NHS Covid-19 app works

Rule of 6 introduction and implications

Since Monday, 14 September, people are only allowed to gather socially in groups of 6 indoors and outdoors.

The Government has published updated advice for those managing community centres, village halls and other community facilities. In particular, you may find section 3 helpful as this covers the rules around things such as bookings for social clubs, support groups and public consultations

Long-term effects of COVID-19

There is growing evidence to suggest that those people who have experienced both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19 can suffer from long-term health effects.

Public Health England has produced new information and guidance on the health problems reported in COVID-19 cases following acute disease, and guidance for healthcare professionals on how to advise recovering COVID-19 patients.

Residents’ Survey 2020

We have begun our annual Residents’ Survey, which started on Sunday, 6 September 2020.

We are asking residents to tell us what they think of their local area and services.

This year, the survey includes questions on how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted residents, as well as the response and support provided by the council. It will also ask questions about such issues as litter and homelessness.

Feedback will be used to improve services and the ongoing recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. A summary of the results will be published anonymously on the council website.

It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete but progress can be saved so it can be completed in stages.

The survey will run until 4 October. Please help us to promote this to residents using the channels you have available. People can take part by visiting

Crowdfund Worcestershire

Community groups (and parish & town councils) have until 30 September 2020 to register for Crowdfund Worcestershire, an £85,000 fund set-up by Worcestershire County Council to support projects to help the county’s covid-19 pandemic recovery.

Crowdfund Worcestershire is based on the Spacehive platform, used successfully in Malvern Hills, and allows community groups, parish councils and organisations to receive funding from the county council, as well as other donors.

Projects the county are looking to fund should focus on one of five key areas, with pledges of up to £20,000 available. The five key areas are:

  • Social isolation/befriending – looking at virtual community connections / or adapted schemes that comply with social distancing.
  • Maintaining our volunteering offer – helping to create a legacy of community and volunteer action post Covid-19.
  • Healthy Communities – activities to improve the health and wellbeing of your local community
  • Return to work – helping people prepare for a return to work or helping them into work.
  • Food Poverty – predominately focused on families

On top of this, community transport groups have until 30 September to register to be part of a crowdfunding campaign, where they can receive pledges of up to £50,000 from Malvern Hills.

Groups interested in taking part, or finding out more, should visit for more information. Please help us to promote these opportunities to groups in your parish.

The process:

  1. Create your project page on Spacehive referring to their handy guide. If you want some 1:1 feedback on how your project page is looking then Spacehive can help, just email
  2. Pitch to the fund on Spacehive by 30th September.
  3. Submit your project for verification.
  4. Once verified, go live with your crowdfunding campaign and showcase local support ahead of project assessment in early November (check our tips and resources here).
  5. If successful, you’ll receive a pledge from the council towards your live campaign.

Green Dog Walkers

We are continuing with our Green Dog Walker pledge and ask for your help to promote this to residents.

All Green Dog Walkers take a pledge to always:

  • Clean up after their dog
  • Carry extra dog waste bags
  • Be happy to be approached to lend a dog waste bag to those without
  • Be a friendly reminder to other dog walkers to clean up after their dogs

To become a Green Dog Walker please complete the online pledge form.

Once we have received the form you will receive a GDW badge, free poo bags, and an information pack.

Adopt a Street

Thank you to those of you who have already signed up to adopt a street as a parish council. Hopefully you have now received your free kits.

If you haven’t heard about the scheme yet, all you have to do is sign the online pledge which includes:

  • Telling us which area of land you would like to adopt (public land only unless you have permission from the landowner)
  • A promise from you to litter pick your chosen site at least three times a year on dates of your choosing and at your convenience

The area you choose to litter pick can be as small or as large as you like. The scheme is open to individuals, schools, community groups and Parish and Town Councils.

You can use your black bin at home for disposing of any litter you collect but if you find the volume you are collecting is an issue then please contact and someone will assist you.

In return for your commitment we will provide you with:

  • Free Litter picking equipment and bags (limited to 10 sets for community groups/schools/local councils)
  • Guidance on health and safety

Sign up at

Here 2 Help You! Find out more about Crowdfund Worcestershire at latest online event

Here 2 Help You! Find out more about Crowdfund Worcestershire at latest online event

Has lockdown given you an idea of how you could improve things for your local community? If so, the County Council wants to hear from you.

Charities, local organisations and individuals across the county are being encouraged to join an hour long online event to learn about how they could fund their community project ideas through Crowdfund Worcestershire.

The latest event is running on Friday 4th September from 12-1pm.

Worcestershire County Council, alongside Malvern and Wychavon District Councils, are inviting anyone who may have a project idea that will support their local community, no matter how big or how small to join the latest online event.

Your project idea must be around the following themes:

    • Food Poverty – predominately focused on families
    • Social isolation/befriending – looking at virtual community connections / or adapted schemes that comply with social distancing.
    • Return to work – helping people prepare for a return to work or helping them into work.
    • Maintaining our volunteering offer – helping to create a legacy of community and volunteer action post Covid-19.
    • Healthy communities – activities to improve the health and wellbeing of your local community
    • Ticket to ride – transport projects that are sustainable, innovative, citizen-led and community-based to support increase resilience and boost connectivity of communities in Wychavon and Malvern by improving local people’s ability to travel to services and opportunities for social interaction.

The Crowdfund Worcestershire initiative has been launched to help build on the success of its Here2Help community campaign.

It is there to give anyone who lives locally who might have ideas about how to improve their community the opportunity to gain much needed funding through Spacehive, a crowdfunding platform.

Worcestershire County Council will be working with Spacehive on the initiative with a funding pot of £85,000 which they hope will at least double for the projects through the crowdfunding they will carry out themselves, with help and support along the way from Spacehive.

This funding, via the same Spacehive platform, will be led by Malvern Hills and Wychavon District Councils and there’s pledges of up to £50,000 up for grabs for this first round.


Spacehive is a funding platform that brings together people, businesses, councils and foundations to collaboratively fund projects that communities want.

Councillor Lucy Hodgson, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Communities, said: “It’s great that we’re able to continue the community spirit generated from Here 2 Help, it has proven really successful, and we must hold on to it, as we look forward to the future and the recovery phase.

“So if you have an idea on how a to support your local community, then join the online event to find out more about how Crowdfund Worcestershire may be able with funding to get your project off the ground or improve on what you are already delivering.

The hour long event is a great way to learn more and ask any questions you may have. It could be the gateway to getting funding from the Council and from your local community.

“You know what your community needs best as you understand the challenges and opportunities your  local area and this model puts you and your ideas in the driving seat.”

If local people and organisations have an project idea they will need to register their idea on the Crowdfund Worcestershire platform by 30th September, clearly outlining how they may be able to help maintain progress in the key areas.

To find out more information about Crowdfunding Worcestershire and book your place on the event on 4th September, please visit the dedicated pages on Spacehive.