Malvern Hills District Council- Flooding and Land Drainage

If you have a problem with flooding, please contact the most appropriate organisation to deal with the issue.

We receive regular flood warning information from the Environment Agency so that we have a good picture of how floods may develop. Information about flood warnings and river levels can be found by calling the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or on the Environment Agency website.

What to do before, during and after a flood

A useful guide from the Environment Agency about what to do before, during and after a flood. (374 KB)

The Association of British Insurers has also published a guide to recovering from a major flood.

Public Health England offers the following general safety advice on how to clean up after a flood.

  • Make sure there is good ventilation if you are using portable indoor heating appliances to dry out indoor spaces
  • Do not use petrol or diesel generators indoors: the exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide which can kill
  • If you come into contact with flood water then wash your hands regularly.
  • Do not let children play in flood water

More information on how to clean up safely after a flood is available on the Government’s website.

The National Flood Forum is a charity that offers advice and support to people affected by flooding. You can call them on 01299 403 055.


In the event of flooding, sandbags are available from:

  • Council Depot in Pendragon Close, Malvern WR14 1GR
  • Hill Community Centre, Upton
  • Car park of Tenbury Community Swimming Pool

These are limited to six filled sandbags for each household. A limited number of sandbags may be available. 

Sandbags are only partially effective for flood defence purposes provided that they are used in conjunction with a suitable impermeable membrane. They can only be relied upon as a temporary measure, so where there is a regular need for some form of flood defence, we suggest a more easily deployed barrier or another form of property protection. For more information contact the National Flood Forum for independent advice and information.

Rest centres and other forms of help may be organised by the Emergency Management Team as necessary.


It may not always be possible for communities to be reached immediately during an emergency such as flooding. The Government suggest that communities could use local resources and knowledge to help themselves during an emergency. Useful links:

Land Drainage and Flooding

Land Drainage Functions are carried out by South Worcestershire Land Drainage Partnership (SWLDP).

Section 25 Enforcements

Under Section 25 of the Act any landowner who has a watercourse passing through or abutting their land is deemed a riparian owner and has a legal duty to keep it clear and free from obstruction to flow. As Drainage Authority the SWLDP has permissive legal powers to undertake enforcement action where appropriate.

To report obstructed watercourses please contact the Land Drainage Inspector on 01684 862145.

Consenting structures within a watercourse

Under Section 23 of the Act any alterations to, or proposed new structures that may affect flow in a watercourse may require Land Drainage Consent before works commence. Those requiring consent are shown in the  ‘consentable structures’ document. (212 KB)

Consent is required to be sought for the features shown whether the proposed works are permanent or temporary.

To apply for consent or discuss any structures that may require consent contact Debbie Bowen on 01386 565377 or email .

Please note consent cannot be given retrospectively so this should be done before any works are started.

All works in, on, or near a watercourse should comply with the Environment Agency pollution control recommendations in  ‘PPG 5 – Works in or near a watercourse’ (125 KB) . A summary is available below and the full version can be found on the Environment Agency website.

The designation of flood defence structures

Under the Flood and water Management Act 2010 the SWLDP has powers to designate features. These are private structures that although are not designed as flood defence structures provide a flood defence function. Designation involves protecting them from alteration without prior consent. Further information can be found in the  Designation Factsheet. (38 KB)

For more information see:  Flooding Information and Advice. (281 KB)